Sunday morning service is at 10:30 AM, and we provide children’s ministry.
We have family services (children attend service) on the second Sunday of every month. We take communion, worship together, and hear the Word of God.
The Fellowship:
“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in one accord. ” Acts 2:42-44
The Vision:
The Church is on 9 acres of land that was purchased on October 13, 1991. Our vision aligns with the calling of this Church and that is to “Possess the Land.” We experience the presence of God, with a heartfelt cry to reach the lost in Baltimore County. As we continue to grow we desire to have multiple ministries and services. You’re invited you to join us at Crossroads Christian Fellowship on Sundays at 10:30 AM.
Come and be touched by God!
Sunday Classes
Bagels and Bibles Sundays at 9:00 am
Sunday School 10:30 AM
Nursery: Newborns to 30 months
Early Childcare: Ages 2 1/2 – 5 years old
Children’s Ministry: Ages 6 to 12 years old
Main Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am