Crossroads Men’s Fellowship
Men need fellowship and brotherhood, few of us have it. We need encouragement on our journey, and we need a compass in our lives. Jesus is that compass. We can all find healing and grace by learning the Gospel and pursuing a relationship with our Lord.
No man is an island. We were not made to live and walk this journey by ourselves. Long before creation, the trinity existed in intimate and timeless fellowship. Our God exists in perfect fellowship, and as we are his image bearers, we are also created to live in fellowship – in community.
Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:8, that he wanted “the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument.” This is significant because Paul is advocating for men to pray, worship, and lead the church together and in peace. In other words, men are essential to the mission of the church.
If you are a Christian or a non-believer that’s looking for something more in their life, please join us.
We meet every other week at 7: pm in the basement of Crossroads Christian Fellowship
CURRENT BOOK: Free to Live – The Utter Relief of Holiness by John Eldridge
Meeting DATES:
February 10, 24
March 10, 24
April 7, 21
May 5, 19